Get a Grip on Your Spaces

Can you all (or most of you anyway) just admit that you don’t floss everyday.  It’s fine.  I’m here to help.  I’m going to show you how to get a grip on the spaces in between your teeth.  (make sure to read to the end to see how you can win some FREE stuff) THE PROBLEM Read More

Feeling a Little Sensitive?

Ever wonder why your teeth light up like the Griswald Christmas when you bite into your favorite ice cream sandwich?  Have you learned to avoid putting ice in your beverages?  There are several reasons why your teeth get sensitive and hopefully after reading this, you will have a good idea about how to identify the Read More

The 5mm pockets I would NOT treat with scaling and root planing

The 5mm Pockets I would NOT Treat With Scaling and Root Planing In a previous post, I talked about what scaling and root planing is and why someone would need it. In essence, when periodontal disease sets in and the bone holding your teeth becomes damaged, scaling and root planing will help eliminate the local Read More

A Bloody Sink

(No, that’s not real blood) Do your gums bleed when you brush?  How about only when you floss?  No matter how much you try to rationalize that bit of blood in your sink , this is a symptom of a much bigger problem. Bleeding is NOT normal If the skin on your leg is healthy, it will Read More