Dental Danger Whilst RV’ing… Should this be part I?

Vacations mean relaxation so there’s a good chance you might consume some tasty alcoholic beverages on your trip.  Let’s go over a totally hypothetical situation and then we can review what you should do in this scenario.

Imagine you are riding in the back of a recreational vehicle and suddenly your nephew starts moaning, “I don’t wanna smell that!” over and over. It’s happened before but you could definitely relate the last time as you rode past a cattle farm in Texas.  This time no once caught any weird hints of stinky-ness so you try to ignore the behavior.  Your mother and you had come to the conclusion just a few minutes earlier that day drinking wine on the final leg of your family trip would now be a great way to celebrate.  I mean, you and 8 other people managed to NOT kill one another for 2 weeks.  It deserves a toast.

——-Of course day drinking can cause some dry mouth so you will make sure to drink lots of water as well.  You know that the acids from wine can cause etching and pitting of the teeth so you will make sure to brush and floss really well before bed too——-  

You try to console your nephew with some essential oils but of course he doesn’t want anything to do with you right now because he is three years old and he makes the rules that change from minute to minute. As usual, you aren’t quite sure if he really smells something or if he’s just being difficult (as all toddlers are at this fine age).

Then your canine nephew of the trip jumps off his bed with a panicked look on his face (dogs have very expressive eyebrows). No one really takes much notice of him as he walks to the front of the vehicle…… and then to the far rear……until the worst smelling clue of dog diarrhea in two opposite areas of your tiny home on wheels begins to flood every millimeter of the stink trap you are have no escape option from.  While your sister is frantically grabbing for paper towels, throwing her arms out as she begs for plastic grocery bags and trying to find the all natural earth friendly grapefruit cleaning spray, her toddler really starts to lose his little mind now.  Although this time he’s not upset about the smell of dog farts anymore.  He has now absolutely flipped his his lid because he wants his momma to sit close to him and her getting up and cleaning dog shit from the floor is not acceptable.  She is shouting to her hubby in the driver’s seat, “You need to pull over really soon!!!!” while the rest of the occupants of the RV can’t even speak for fear of breathing in excrement laced air particles.  They are hiding their faces in their armpits, hands, and anything else they can find to try and escape this nightmare.  Your younger daughter is actually on the verge of crying because she woke up from a deep sleep to the smell of dog shit and the tenth worst temper tantrum she has ever witnessed.  This is total chaos.  Let me just end there.  

So, what should you do? 

There’s only one right way to handle this mess.  Grab the box of wine and fill up your glass.  Nothing else makes sense. Worry about your teeth later.

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