It’s Time For That Baby Tooth To Go!

What an exciting time when a child’s first set of teeth start getting all wiggly and get replaced with a brand new set!  We’ve been through quite a few loose teeth around my house and recently we came across one that mocked me to no end.  It got loose and then tightened up.  It got loose again and turned grey and then on to a weird shade of  pink and purple.  That’s when I said, “Hey kid, it’s time for tooth to go!”

The Importance of Set #1

Deciduous teeth, also known as primary, milk teeth, or baby teeth are super important for all of us!  They aid in digestion, muscle and speech development, and really do a job of finishing off a nice smile.  But the most important job for that first set of teeth is to hold spaces for our permanent teeth. Unfortunately I hear too often from parents that they don’t spend much time brushing their child’s teeth or worry about cavities in a baby tooth because, “It’s not going to be there forever”! I cannot stress how critical it is to treat those baby teeth like gold because without them, our adult teeth are bound to have problems.

You can expect most children to start shedding those baby teeth around age 6.

Here’s a handy eruption schedule for you to see the average time frames for all of these tooth fairy trips to take place:
















 Be Patient

Keep in mind this is just a general reference as all children develop differently and girls typically seem start this process ahead of boys the same age.   It’s common for parents to have concerns about how long they should tolerate their child rocking that disgusting tooth back and forth at the dinner table.  Most of the time, we dental professional tend to tell parents that baby teeth will just come out in good time … and to be as patient as possible.  Sometimes those stubborn teeth come out a full two years behind schedule and for some kids, that’ s just fine.  As a general rule, all baby teeth should be gone when the 12 year molars are completely visible and the tissue makes a nice seal around the neck of those back chompers.

When Does it NEED to come out?

There are times when you should get your child to the dentist to evaluate if a baby tooth:

1.  When it’s painful.

2.  When the gums get infected or the tooth starts turning colors.

3.  When another tooth is coming in behind or to the side of the baby tooth.

4.  When nothing is happening well beyond the normal shedding schedule

In most of these cases, they will take a visual peek and an X-ray to determine if something needs to be done right away or if you can just let nature take it’s course.  Teeth that are retained for too long can case crowding, infections, cavities and other situations that are not ideal.

Back to our pink tooth:  

Although our recent encounter with a loose baby tooth resulted in a few interesting colors, something had to be done!  Essentially, the roots of the primary tooth had dissolved to almost nothing allowing the tissue to grow into the shell that wasn’t loosening up fast enough.  We’ve been talking about this weird tooth for about a month now.  She wanted it gone because people kept commenting on her ugly tooth but was too nervous to take it out on her own.  Honestly I got tired of talking about it but assured her I wouldn’t make her take it out until she was ready.  Finally, she asked me to get the job done since I’m a “dental person”.  I applied a little topical anesthetic and wedged my fingernail underneath the edge of the baby tooth.  After a slightly disturbing crunchy noise, the little corn nugget sized piece popped out.  As you can see in the photo, the gums had grown right up into the void and were trying to push the tooth out resulting in a perfectly tooth shaped ball of tissue. You can also see the new tooth peeking through.  Everyone was relieved to get that tooth out of there and make room for the new one!

The tissue grew up into the shell of the baby tooth
The hollow baby tooth – roots completely dissolved









Isn’t it bitter sweet to see those little teeth move out to make room for the adult teeth?  I mean, let’s face it… kids grow up and sometimes we aren’t quite ready for that to happen.



Tooth Eruptions Schedule :

54 thoughts on “It’s Time For That Baby Tooth To Go!

  1. Simone Whitehead says:

    I am so thankful for your post and picture!

    This just happened to my son but with a lower molar. Your image came up first and looked just like my child’s gum! Hopefully commenting will keep it as the first picture!

    My child wanted to fact check me so he scrolled down in the images and did not find another example. So appreciative of this.

    Many years later….it’s still helping!

  2. Victoria says:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to put hundreds of minds like mine at ease. My child is a trooper and dutifully gathered his stuff to take to the dentist when I freaked out about the tissue his tooth left behind. LUCKILY, I found your article in time! You saved my dentist and myself from a very emotional and embarrassing conversation where I sob because I find out that my child is fine and I overreact waaay tooo easily! I hope you find money on the sidewalk, have every single door held open for you, and get only good reviews on Yelp. Thank you again, may you have a very happy, beautiful, and healthy family and future!!

    • Sarah says:

      My son just had one a couple months ago and it was significantly smaller in about a day and was gone in a few days. You’ll be ok, just wait it out, hang in there!

  3. Patricia K. says:

    My husband and I add our gratitude for your post which has given us great relief. The evolution of our 10 year-old son’s pink tooth (left upper first molar) was much like your daughter’s with us wondering Why in the world is this tooth pink? Yesterday, while my husband helped our son floss, the tooth “exploded” (our son’s word) as he pulled the floss out: hollow tooth removed with a rounded, bulgy, reddish-pink mass left behind, almost completely encasing the erupting permanent tooth.

    Tonight, I stared at the mass with a flashlight worried that our son might have a tumor. I, too, could only find your post with the helpful photo and pink tooth story, but your one post has been enough. Thank you for giving yet another family peace of mind.

  4. Danielle says:

    This just happen to my son tonight. He has trauma to his mouth two years ago. This past year it started looking like it was disappearing. Tonight it came out leaving behind a squishy flap.

    As he was in bed playing with it he pulled off the flap :/ he does not appear to be in pain, it did not hurt. My question though is it bad he pulled the tissue off ?

  5. Sarah Clarke says:

    Thank you SO MUCH for writing this and especially for the photos!! I had never seen this happen before, and after my son pulled his own loose tooth out tonight there was a bulging mass of what he called “meat” where the tooth was and it freaked me out!! I immediately took to Google and this was the only article or website I could find that was helpful. He had a metal cap on this molar, so it was probably a funny color like your child’s was, but we didn’t know it so we didn’t realize anything was wrong. Thank you again!!

  6. Erika says:

    Thank you so much for your article. I was worried.

    I just pulled my 6 yo daughter’s wiggly tooth because it was very loose and it was annoying her but after that she had tooth shaped tissue, just like in your photo.

    I just have one question. Will the tissue goes away on its own or do I have to take her to the dentist?

    Thank you!

  7. Brenna Burke says:

    Just came here to thank you for posting this information! My daughter lost her front tooth and she has the same small fleshy lump. We did a quick google to see if we needed to take her in and found your page. Thank you!

  8. Megan says:

    We just had this happen! Tooth turned a weird color I knew it was dead, but she wouldn’t let me pull it out. Finally she accidentally bumped it and it fell out leaving a shell of a tooth and a little fleshy nub in its place. Totally freaked me out, but I’m glad to see it’s normal! Thanks for the article and confirmation.

  9. Aiyana says:

    Hi, my tooth still hasn’t fallen out yet and is now dangling but I can’t get it out. I’ve tried almost everything but it won’t come out .Please respond as soon as possible.

    P.S. I noticed that the tooth is also filled with blood (NOT BLEEDING). Is that normal?

    • Charlotte says:

      Its sounds pretty normal but if you are worried, have your parents take you in for a quick check up at the dentist. They will let you know if it needs a little help 🙂

  10. Aiyana says:

    Hi. My name is Aiyana. I’m 12 years old and about to turn 13. I currently have a wiggly tooth and I kind of want to pull it out but I’m scared to do it because it hurts when I try.

  11. Heather W. Cincinnati, Ohio says:

    Thanks for sharing this article with photos. I just experienced this with my 6 year old. My husband kept saying that he should pull it. I said, “No, It will fall out in due time”. When she had some bleeding we helped her wiggle the tooth out. Her gums look just like this photo! Hallowed baby tooth is left for the Tooth Fairy.

  12. Rebecca says:

    Thank you for this article! My 10 year old daughter just burst into my room in a panic because she said her tooth broke and was stuck in a piece of candy. I calmed her down and took a look in her mouth then retrieved the tooth from the candy and it is the shell of the tooth. I had no idea this was a thing so finding your article put my mind at ease!

  13. Madi says:

    Hi im Madi, i’m 12 and i have this problem with a bottom incisor. the tooth is sticking out a little bit at the bottom on the inside of my mouth and it’s moving down into the gums and there’s a tooth in front of it that’s preventing it from shaking properly so all it does is move more down and up in the back

  14. Kylie A says:

    Hello, My name is Kylie and im 10 years old. Im very scared about my teeth alot when something seems off and I saw this and wanted to ask about it, other people seem to have this problem too. So my baby tooth just feel out and under it is like bright red pus? (sorry that sounds gross) Its exacaly like the kids tooth in that first picture up there but its like a bit tinyer. Is that a bad thing or a desiese? Please get back to me fast, thank you. Im very nervous and I have a dentist appointment in a few days.

    • Charlotte Smiled says:

      Hi Kylie,
      This is really common. my 13 year old daughter has the same thing going on. No worries though, your dentist will be able to tell how close your adult tooth is… and it usually just takes a few days for that blog of gross tissue to heal

      • nathalia says:

        hey! so my molar came out today and there is like this (gross) like nerve? i dont know what it is but is it going to come off by itself? the new tooth is under it so like please help

        • charlottesmiled says:

          That sounds like the tissue underneath the baby tooth just grew up into the space a bit. Usually that starts to shrink away in a few days to a week’s time. Ask a parent to mix up some warm salt water to swish and that will help with inflammation.

      • Keia says:

        Oh my goodness! This article is a miracle. I just pulled my 6 year old tooth out and the middle of the tooth was hollowed and the little dangly meat right where the tooth was. I almost got freaked out by it until I saw this article. So I’m assuming this is normal and hopefully the little piece of gum will normalize itself very soon. Lol. Thank you so much for this article.

  15. Harley says:

    Hi! I’m Harley. I’m a 10-year-old girl, and my molar just fell out, and there is a wee bit of gum/roots still in my mouth. It doesn’t hurt at all, but my adult tooth is under it and tearing it a little. I lost my tooth on 10/6/20. I don’t want to go to the dentist, and my Mum and Dad say it’s fine, but I’m not quite sure. Any advice to help it go away?

    • CharlotteSmiled says:

      Hi Harley. It sounds pretty normal to me. You can rinse with warm salt water which helps with swelling and give it a few days but if things ever seem weird or get painful, a quick check with a dentist will ease your mind.

    • Melania Marini says:

      Hello, I’m a 12 year old girl and only two molars have fallen out of all my molars. I have seen one of my molars is loose but it’s pink and it’s sticking out (pocking out and it’s sticking out a little towards the bottom) I’m really scared please help..

      • charlottesmiled says:

        Hi Melania,
        My daughter has two pink teeth again and she is 13. Those teeth are ready to come out. One is loose and the other one is kinda stuck in between two others… so we are going to visit the dentist to get an xray and see how close to the surface her adult teeth are. I would suggest you do the same just so your dentist can take a peek. Eventually those baby teeth will fall out on their own but we don’t want germs getting caught up and cause discomfort. Make sure to let your parents take a peek. It’s normal to feel a little nervous. We have all been there 🙂

  16. Nicholas says:

    Hello! My daughters tooth is very loose (and has been for a month). It just started getting a little darker and the gums seem a little puffy. Any suggestions?

  17. Phoebe says:

    Hiya! I’m Phoebe and I’m an 10 year old girl , and my tooth just fell out , but it was a hollow tooth and there is a lump of squishy gum/roots still in my mouth, it hurts a tiny bit if i push it down hard. I’m terryified of the dentist and I dont feel to comfortable with my mum poking her hands around in my mouth.Very nervous and hoping you can help me !

    • Charlotte says:

      Hi Phoebe!
      One thing I learned a long time ago is how helpful warm salt water can be. You just mix a couple teaspoons of salt into a glass of warm water and rinse with it a few times a day in the area that you lost a tooth. And remember, your dentist is always there to help make things better and help prevent dental problems.

  18. Polly says:

    My 5 year old daughter has a accidental loose baby tooth for a week now and her gum are red and swollen, tooth is super lose, should I pull it out?

    • charlottesmiled says:

      Just so I understand more, what does “accidental” mean? Did she fall down or get hit in the mouth? I would definitely want an x-ray and exam to see exactly what’s happening. Some baby teeth play a very important role in saving space for adult teeth..

  19. Marianne says:

    I know it has been a long time since this post, but my daughter has SEVERAL of these pink teeth. One came out by itself a month ago, after the new tooth was already visible. Another appears to have cracked. Our dentist is closed except for emergencies for the next few weeks, at least. I know they will see me if I mention the cracked tooth, because better safe than sorry, but I don’t want to be the nervous mom who makes that happen only to be told it is nothing. Do you know if a purple baby tooth whose shell is still half in ok?

    • charlottesmiled says:

      Hi Marianne. Sorry this took me so long to get back to you! I didn’t get a notification……My best advice is to get to the dentist as soon as they start opening up the schedule a little bit just to be on the safe side. They might even be able to help you virtually. Maybe call and see if you can video chat?? Lots of offices are ding that now. Generally those pesky little pink “hats” are fine for a little while as long as they aren’t uncomfortable or get inflamed. I had several of these when I was a kid and so did both of my daughters. We had the dentist remove them for us with a little topical anesthetic when they cracked. I was afraid one might get swallowed 🙂

      • Milda McDonald says:

        Thank you for your comments.It made me a bit calmer. My daughter has one and keeps bleeding. I’ve rang dentist, they said it’s normal but something at the back of my mind keeps bugging me. Am I overthinking?
        Thank you x

  20. Franciele says:

    Hi, my daughters first bicuspid on left side came out today and your picture looks kinda like what’s going on with her. Her tooth cracked in half when I was taking it out and was hollow. There’s a ball of tissue there, red with a white spot, today is Saturday, dentist’s Office
    is closed… is it okay? Do I have to call the dentist Monday? She says there’s a dull pain when I pressed a little. Thanks!

    • Danielle says:

      What ended up happening? My daughter had this happen today and I’m not sure whether to call the dentist’s after hours service or not. She says it’s sensitive to cold, touch, and when she breathes.

  21. Monica says:

    This just happen to me right now my twelve year old was just brushing her teeth when the tooth just popped off. Now instead of the hole I’m used to it like a fleshbump is this normal should I be concerned she says it doesn’t hurt but it looks werid.

    • Matt says:

      Same thing happened to me today, I’m 17 but I have a rare condition called Oligodontria so many of my teeth are baby teeth and I’m missing 13 adult teeth. In the middle of the night I felt my tooth fall out and now I’m left with this weird red bubble of flesh/blood that is there instead of a hole.

  22. Erika says:

    This JUST happened to my daughter (almost 13….still holding on to 4 baby teeth somehow!) yesterday. Her ortho popped it out during her exam and explained the situation similarly to how you did. This is an odd (and kinda gross) Question …. but is it normal that the hole where the tooth was removed would cause some bad breath while it goes back down to normal? She had no issues with this before the tooth was pulled but now I’m noticing it a LOT. Hoping it’s normal and that there might be an easy solution! Thanks so much ! This was so informative and reassuring!

  23. Melissa says:

    7 yr old boy top right front tooth before losing the tooth gum of tooth going up purple reddish lost tooth 2 days ago (at his dads I got them back 2 hrs ago) gum still reddish purple and there is a mushy thing but because of my light I can’t tell if it is white or yellow. Does have some red spots. No pain. Should I worry? Is that normal?
    I left msg voice and text for his dentist at the emergency line.

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