The oral-systemic link is strong. Not sure how diabetes effects your smile and vice versa? Let me share a few things with you:
A 2017 report by the CDC found that in 2015 over 30 million Americans (that’s 9.4% of US citizens had diabetes. Another 8o something million others are headed that direction.
So, why would a dental hygienist even care to know or pass this information along? In short, we are in the trenches of clinical care. We help patients discover their ailments and recommending treatments to alleviate their symptoms. Back in the day, folks would look at a horse’s teeth to determine their age and general wellness of the animal. It’s really no different with humans. Medical professionals (if trained well) can pick up on many medical conditions through paying special attention to their patients’ teeth and gums.
Today I want to hone in on diabetes because it is so prevalent and can cause so much damage to that beautiful smile:
If you have sweet tooth but can’t afford to risk high blood sugar and cavities, check out my favorite line of candies. Zollipops and Zaffy Taffy are actually GOOD FOR YOUR MOUTH!!!
My favorite products for patients with diabetes: (well, for everyone really)
If you would like a little one on one attention of have questions, feel free to reach out!