The foundation to keep your mouth healthy
Visit a Dental Office Regularly
I cannot express how important it is to see a dentist regularly to get screened for decay and periodontal disease. Because both of these conditions are completely symptom-free at first, there is a common disconnect between perspective and reality for many of my patients. If you see your hygienist on a schedule that is best suited for you, he or she will make sure you are checked for cavities and bone loss. They will also get you on a preventive schedule that makes sense for you based on your habits and unique challenges.
Brush Twice a Day
Did you know 1,000- 100,000 germs are surrounding each of our teeth in a healthy mouth?! They can reach numbers in the millions when things aren’t going so well. Because the millions of germs in our mouth only need a few hours to get comfortable and start to give off acids that cause disease, the rule of thumb for brushing is twice a day. Of course, many other factors might lead you to do even more. Dry mouth, medications, frequent snacking, and other environmental factors may lead to the plaque calcifying and turning into a hard substance known as tartar. Because everyone presents with a unique set of genetics and circumstances, what’s fine for one person may not be good enough for the next.
Clean in Between Your Teeth at Least Once a Day
(I dislike the question, “Do you floss?” There are other options!)
Brushing alone will remove about half of the bacteria that are attached to your teeth. So, the only way to address those pesky germs below the gum line and around the nooks and crannies is to use an interdental cleaner. Don’t worry about sticking both of your big hands in your mouth at the same time! You aren’t limited to string floss alone. When your hygienist asks if you’ve been flossing, it includes using tools like floss holders, Rotapoints, Stimudents, proxy brushes, and other varieties of in-between-the-teeth gadgets.
Drink Your Water
Six major salivary glands keep the inside of our mouth moist, assist with digestion, and help us chew, taste, and swallow. Because your saliva is also full of helpful germ-fighting substances like minerals and proteins, it’s super important to stay hydrated. When your mouth is dry, the plaque bacteria calcify and stick to your teeth and dental work at a rate that’s hard for you to keep up with. Since most food and drinks tend to have a lower-than-ideal pH, rinsing your mouth with water after meals will also help prevent decay where plaque and snacks get trapped. Xerostomia (dry mouth) is a leading cause of dental disease.
Replace Missing Teeth
If you’ve had a tooth removed for any reason, it’s super important to put some type of replacement in as soon as possible. Contrary to popular belief, the bone that holds our teeth in place is not static. Instead, it is constantly being replaced with new bone as the older bone dissolves. Bone-forming cells get triggered to grow nice dense bone around teeth that get pressure from their counterparts on the opposite jaw. Missing teeth usually cause others to shift and some periodontal problems can be directly related to leaving a space. There are several different options for replacing missing teeth so make sure to ask a dentist which choice is the best for you.
Personalized Product Recommendations
There are no cookie-cutter rules when it comes to medical or dental advice. Or at least there shouldn’t be! Whether you can get by with all over-the-counter products or need specific toothpastes and rinses to stay ahead of diseases, keep in mind that they only work if you use them. There are so many options when it comes to products that are good at treating sensitivity, reducing stains, and fighting infections. Let the dental pros in your life work WITH you to figure out what specific products will work best for your situation.
Not Sure What To Do After Your Dental Procedure? (Click on each one to find out more) *still working on this section*
- New Filling
- Temporary Crown
- Permanent Crown
- Temporary Bridge
- Permanent Bridge
- New Implant
- New Partial or Denture
- Root Canal
- Periodontal Surgery
- Root Planing
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